Wyoming Dude Ranches
The Rocky Mountains meet the High Plains in the state of Wyoming. This is true cowboy country, with few people and vast, open spaces. It is a land that inspires dreams of riding horseback across the plains. Wyoming Dude Ranch vacations help guests realize that dream.
The bulk of Yellowstone National Park is in Northwest Wyoming. Grand Loop Road provides a wonderful overview of the park, from the steaming geysers to majestic waterfalls and deep canyons. Hundreds of trails traverse the park, providing access to deep backcountry areas, remote lakes, and scenic overlooks. Many Wyoming Dude Ranch vacations include excursions into Yellowstone.
Grand Teton National Park is also in Northwest Wyoming. The first glimpse of the jagged mountains that explode out of the Jackson Hole Valley may take away your breath. Pristine lakes and grassland dot the valley floor. Glaciers slide down steep rocky peaks from elevations of more than 12,000 feet. Moose, elk, and bear inhabit this stunning area and are frequently spotted during guided dude ranch excursions.
Wyoming Dude Ranch vacations may be rustic or luxurious. Guests may ride all day and herd cattle, or soak in a hot tub and enjoy a massage. Activities may range from fishing to river rafting and hiking, or lounging on a porch with a book. Wyoming Dude Ranches strive to create the perfect vacation for guests, whether that means non-stop activity or sleeping late.
Ranches in Wyoming

Medicine Bow Lodge and Adventure Guest Ranch