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Dude Ranch 101

What is the Dude Ranch Foundation?

The mission of the Dude Ranch Foundation is: To protect and preserve the history of dude ranching by maintaining a museum (heritage center) and archives for educating the public on the historical nature of the dude ranching industry. Additionally, our mission is to financially assist in the education of persons wishing to pursue employment or careers in the dude ranch industry and supporting industries.

The Foundation began in 1988 by Mark Grubbs. Mark and his wife, Amy, were co-executive directors and former dude ranch owners. Mark’s dream was to establish a fund to give scholarships to young people who wanted to be in the dude ranch industry. Funding was to be obtained from an annual auction held during the Dude Ranchers’ Association Convention. His vision was to retain a fund large enough that the interest would be used for scholarships. The scholarship fund has been administered by our Executive Director (s) and the Foundation Board of Directors from its inception to the present. Two years ago we expanded our mission and goals to encompass more than scholarships in hopes to help protect this western way of life.


Dude Ranch Foundation Logo With Name

We are keeping the real west alive with the programs below:

• Scholarships – The Foundation provides a broad and flexible set of scholarships each year to students with the overall goal of supporting the future of the dude ranch industry. Over $300.000 awarded to students since inception.

• Education – Through public relations, articles, speaker’s bureau and teaming up with authors and organizations the Foundation conducts outreach to educate the public about the rich history and vacation opportunities at dude ranches.

• Protecting and Preserving Land – The Foundation facilitates preservation efforts by connecting funders, ranchers, experts and organizations to initiate conservation easements and /or selling of development rights.

• Horse Safety Program – In an effort to assist ranches in becoming safer the Foundation developed a horse safety program that has been wildly successful and has verified results. The foundation dispatches certified approved instructors to train ranch staff.

• Dude Ranch Museum – Your support helps fund and outfit a Museum located in Cody, Wyoming to present and display the rich history of the dude ranch industry. It is free to the public all year long.

• Connecting Children and Families to the Outdoors – The Foundation sponsors families who might not otherwise have the ability to experience the outdoors via a dude ranch vacation.

There were 14 scholarships given out for 2018/2019 for a total of $28,000. They were all given to very worthy applicants who all held more than a 3.0 GPA. Most are hoping to continue in the dude ranch industry in some manner whether that be as a vet, a marketing person, a welder, an accountant or just as an ambassador for the industry.  All applicants have spent time either at the Dude Ranchers’ Association office or working on a Dude Ranchers’ Association member ranch.

The Foundation not only wants to educate the general public about the dude ranch industry through our free dude ranch museum but also wants to help our members stay on top of the latest travel trends, public land use issues, ADA-compliant issues and any other issues that pertain to the travel/hospitality businesses. We will help connect ranchers to experts concerning conservation easements.


Dude Ranch Foundation Horse Safety Program

One of the programs we are most proud of is the Horse Safety Program.  This program was created 15 years ago to help our ranchers adapt the minimum guidelines for not only DRA member ranches but other equine programs related to Horse Safety and Adaptive First Aid for the Trail. This program provides an educational opportunity for all equine participants through a seminar approach. The goal is to promote continual evaluation of safety procedures and skills to improve the safety and knowledge of equine participants including the rider and the horse. DRA dude ranchers put over 75 thousand guests a year on horseback with much less than half of 1 percent or 0.18% reported injuries.

Key Elements

• Horse Safety

• Accident Management

• Site Safety

• Continuing Education

• Equipment and Tack Safety

• Guest Orientation

• Certification

The program relies upon the integrity of its members to review its program with consideration to the suggested Horse Safety and Risk Management Practices discussed in the program. In order to stay current with the program each ranch must attend a course at least once every three years.  The owner, operator or manager must attend a “Horse Safety and Adaptive First Aid Seminar” to remain in current standing.  Wranglers are encouraged to attend a “Wrangler Training Class” as offered at the beginning of each summer. The classes offered to the wranglers remain current for five years.

Horseback riding and other dude ranch activities conducted oftentimes in the outdoor wilderness, and/or mountainous terrain, include inherent and other risks that can cause injury, damage, death or other loss.  As a result, it is recognized that ranches cannot assure the safety of their guests and that participants share in the responsibility for their own well-being and the well-being of others on any trip.

The Dude Ranch Foundation Horse Safety Program is an endeavor to assist ranches in managing risks and considering safety in their ongoing effort to provide their guests with a positive experience.

The Foundation administered a safety survey to all of its members in 2017.  There were a total of 475,059 hours in the saddle for the 63 ranches that answered the survey, and a total of 48,489 guests. The rate of injury was 0.18%. Since we have been conducting this survey and since the horse safety program has been in place that number continues to improve.

The Foundation would like everyone to have the opportunity to experience this wonderful way of life so they will sponsor families who would not normally have the financial ability to take their kids to a dude ranch. As you can see the Foundation is very dedicated to preservation, education and conservation.


For more information on the Foundation call Colleen at 307-587-2339 or e-mail at