Nearest Regional Airport
Idaho Falls, 25 miles
Nearest International Airport
Idaho Falls, 25 miles
4800 Feet
May - October
Guest Capacity
If you wish to experience the lifestyle of the American Cowboy with a legitimate cattle outfit, riding daily on an American Quarter Horse then here is what we are and what we offer. Theron McGarry, a lifelong cowboy and fourth-generation rancher, started the guest ranch which continues on with his family today.
The valley ranch is located in southeastern Idaho along the Snake River. Log cabins surrounded by a slough is scenic and restful. A fire pit just outside your door makes for relaxed comfortable evenings with your fellow wranglers from many parts of the world.
Upon arrival at the ranch you will be given the firm handshake or welcoming hug after which you will lose the guest handle and become one of the McGarry Ranches Family of Wranglers. In other words, just one of us.
Breakfast served at 7:00am in the ranch kitchen. Then on to the corrals to catch your horse and saddle up. Once in the mountains, we will work the herd as was done over 150 years ago. We ride daily through the cattle, making sure the pairs (cow/calf) are together. That the mothers are taking care of their offspring and the calves are taking nourishment from their moms.
We will rope and doctor, in the open, any of the stock that are sick or injured. We will track and gather any strays that have broken out of their grazing units and trail (drive) them back to where they belong. Locate the break in the fence or the open gate and repair the fence or close the gate. Trail parts of the herd to new pastures for range management. Put out salt, ride fence, sort in the open when cattle need to be separated. Locate calves that have become separated from their mothers and get them back together. Usually, we will visit more than one unit in a day as the herd is scattered over 55,000 acres. There will be times when we gather, trail and sort cattle with other ranches. A chance for you to work with other cowboy crews.
Along with the pairs, we run bulls and yearlings. They too will be given attention to make sure that they are where they belong.
During the day we will eat lunch in the mountains, usually around noon. The days end around 5:30 pm, however, we make no promises, it might be a longer day depending on how much we get done. You should find yourself tired and ready to enjoy a hearty homemade meal.
A great meal, full tummy, the feeling that today you really did COWBOY UP sets the stage for the lean back and relax time with your newfound friends and fellow wranglers in cow camp. Rehashing the day’s activities, talking about that stray that almost got away, or how much you love your horse.
Supper, shower, good friends, and better talk make you ready for the really great night’s sleep in the cool clean Idaho air.
The following morning it’s up to begin your new day in the saddle. The feeling that all is right with the world and off you go to the mountains. Just another day at the office.
You can have confidence in the fact that you will be riding with full-time cowhands. We do not hire summer part-time help. Professional horsemen help to make your stay with us a safe one.
As your visit ends don’t be embarrassed by the tear in your eye as you say goodbye to your horse, the ranch, and the cowhands that have helped to make your stay a memory that will never die. Tina and Derk (licensed Idaho guides and first aid cardholders) say, THANK YOU COWBOY/COWGIRL, for your help and friendship. Thank you for putting your trust and faith in us. Please know that we appreciate you. We consider your stay with us a genuine help and enjoy your company.
The maintenance and well being of our ranch cattle herd. Enjoying the beautiful surroundings you will be living among during your stay with us. Walk along the Snake River. Watch trout in the water begging to be caught. Possibly see moose, elk and the ranch horse herd traveling back and forth in green pastures and ranch water crossings. Practice your roping skills with the roping dummy in cow camp. Look forward to that cookout during the week. Hike the trails.
Special Events
Meals are served family style in the ranch kitchen. Breakfast typically will consist of eggs, pancakes, french toast and a meat dish. Hot biscuits, bread, jelly and margarine. Lunch will be sandwiches with a variety of meats and fruit put together by each guest to your liking to be eaten on the trail. Supper will consist of a different dish each evening. Typically turkey, ham, potato casserole, spaghetti, roast beef, steak or hamburgers. Salads, vegetables and hot bread. Wednesday is a cookout.
Food Options
Sleep in log cabins with 2 rooms in each building. Fully equipped bathrooms, shower, washbasin, commode, and electricity.
Check-in: 2:00 pm
Check-out: 10:00 am
4 nights (May - October)
In all the years we have been inviting guests to the ranch, we have not had even a handful of cancellations. We do not offer any refunds of deposit but we are happy to rebook you for a later date within one year. Protect yourself from any stress by purchasing travel insurance here!
McGarry Ranches
Rexburg, Idaho
Nearest Regional Airport
Idaho Falls, 25 miles